
Multiply your results and reduce your costs per lead and customer by up to 40%, with perfect tracking of your campaigns!

Tracking your campaigns shouldn't be complex — instead, it should give them superpowers, so you can sell more, capture more leads, without having to increase your advertising costs to do so.

Pixel X is the perfect solution, combining the power of perfect tracking with ease of implementation, changing hours of settings in minutes.

Pixel X App - Painel de Controle

Pixel and API in 1 click

Leverage the power of combining Pixel and Conversion API with just one click away – no need for GTM Server, Cloud Server or complex configurations.

High-quality audiences

Advertise to those who have purchasing potential, optimizing audiences makes your remarketing reach those who need it and the new similar audiences are more qualified.

Smarter campaigns

Make your campaigns smarter, with less learning time and with a qualified audience being reached for each customer in your ads.

Those who compare use Pixel X App

The standard Facebook pixel today has the same use as a fan on a sunny day, that is, you pretend it works to cool you down, but literally, it doesn't make any difference.

Take the test and see, open your Pixel Helper, and check out our live pixel.

Facebook Pixel

It only passes 4 parameters to Facebook, in addition to the name of the event, making tracking minimal. Being tracked only by the browser and not blocked by AdBlock

Comparativo - Pixel Padrão do Facebook - Pixel X App

Pixel X App Optimized Pixel

Pass 32 advanced parameters to Facebook, with event name, lead information, geolocation, date information, content, product, device, FBP, FBC, origin, unique event and lead identifier and much more.

Being tracked by Conversion API and Browser, with pixel hidden from standard AdBlocks.

Comparativo - Pixel da Pixel X - Pixel X App

Supercharge your paid traffic campaigns

We're building tools that reduce your time with complex setups, enrich lead information, and create better campaigns for your products.

Customers who use our resources reduce an average of 30% of the cost per result.


Automatic execution of standard events and custom conversions

We go beyond basic page view events, our system automatically marks various actions performed by the visitor, so that your campaigns receive the right information about lead behavior.

Landing page scrolling.
Page viewing time.
Clicks on strategic buttons.
Filling out forms.
And, many other automatic events.
Pixel X App - Conversão - Criação
Pixel X App - Rastreamento de Eventos do Lead


Advertise to the right people, with tracking of each lead event

Optimizing audiences, both remarketing and similar, is done by enriching visitor data, going beyond just name and email.

We seek to gather all the possible and essential information that advertising platforms want, so that their campaigns reach the right people.

Information such as Geolocation, Access History, conversion events and browsing behavior on your website is passed on.


Reduce the registration barrier with smart forms

Your lead fills out the form the first time, and every time they access your new campaigns, the forms are filled in with your lead's data automatically.

Reducing the time it takes to fill in fields and conversion friction, in addition to also filling in fields at checkout.

Pixel X App - Configurações - Facebook


Less time wasted on configuration and more time focused on increasing your sales

Focused on helping you dedicate more time to what really matters and have the best system focused on optimizing your campaigns, we dedicate a lot of time to make all essential settings automatic, without having to worry about anything other than installing our system on your site.

In less than 2 minutes you have all the power of advanced tracking with pixel and conversion API, without needing to understand anything about servers, tags or even WordPress.

Watch the Demo

Learn how to make your campaigns better in minutes

Here's what our customers are saying about our tracking system


What makes our platform more amazing

Click Tracking

Forms tracking

Advanced and custom events

Hovering over elements

Page scrolling

Page view time

Optimized purchase event triggering

Auto-fill forms

Real-time website visit reports

Lead report and Event history

UTMs and Access Source Report

Domain verification with advertisers

International telephone mask and custom mask

Multiple pixels and conversion tokens

Heatmap Integration

Telephone Validation When Typing

Passing URL parameters

Remote tracking of WordPress website

Optimization commands

Database cleaning system

Level up your campaigns

Select the best plan that suits your business.


For 1 website/domain

$ 149

per year

Mais Popular


For 5 sites/domains

$ 299

per year


For 15 sites/domains

$ 599

per year

Pixel Xpress:
Event Funnel Implementation Consultancy

Features Present in All Plans

Unlimited Pages per Site
30+ Advanced Matching Parameters
Visitor Parameters
Device and IP Parameters
Geolocation Parameters
Date and Time Parameters
Content Parameters
Product Parameters
FBC and FBP Parameters
Source and URL Parameters
Unique Event Identifier
AdBlock Hidden Pixel
Facebook Pixel Web
Facebook Conversion API
Google Analytics and Tag Manager
Scripts in the Header, Body and Footer
Form Capture
Auto Fill Form
Page Click Capture
Page Scroll Capture
Element View Capture
Tracking across the entire website, specific pages or by regular expression
Custom Conversion per Action
Tracked Event Log
Real-Time Reports
Integration with Sales Platforms
Phone Validation
Telephone Mask
Integration with Clarity and Hotjar
Passing URL Parameters to Buttons on the Page
Remote Execution Feature
External Page Tracking
Strategic Exclusive Content
Detailed Tutorials
Chat and Email Support
Google Ads Pixel
TikTok Tag (coming soon)
Pinterest Tag (coming soon)
LinkedIn Pixel (coming soon)


It's simple: buy the Pixel X App, use it on your sites and campaigns, and if you don't like it or your campaigns aren't optimized, generating greater or better results, with a more qualified audience using our platform, I'll refund 100% of your purchase.

This guarantee covers a full 30 days and, during this period, the team and I will do everything possible to help you succeed.


Check out the platforms we integrate to track your sales

With just a few clicks you can track all your sales, using your preferred payment method, so that you have better optimization than the platforms' checkout.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have any questions about our resources?

See the list below for the most frequently asked questions. If your question is not listed here, please contact us.

How is Pixel X support? Do you offer chat support?

Yes, we do ask that you search for the answer to your problem on the help and guides pages, because we try very hard to cover all common problems there. If you can't find the answer, don't hesitate to call us via the support chat.

Do I receive updates?

Yes, if you have an active subscription, updates will work automatically from your WordPress site's dashboard.

Is access to the system immediate?

Yes, once your payment has been confirmed, you will receive your access data, download file and license for activation in your e-mail.

How can I access my account?

Immediately after purchasing, you will receive an e-mail with your new access data. You will be notified when the product is released for use.

Where can I find help with resources?

For each feature, a tutorial will be recorded explaining how to use it, as well as an implementation guide, which is always available via the help icon on the dashboard.

Is it possible to track pages outside WordPress?

Yes, after installing the plugin, in the advanced settings, you have the "External Pixel X" feature, which is a script that you place on any page that is from the same root domain, and the site will be tracked as well.

Can you install more than one pixel on the site?

Yes, you can install as many pixels as you need on your site, all with Web Pixel and Conversion API, optimized for the best tracking on your site.

Does it only work on WordPress sites?

No, but it is installed on a WordPress site, which can install a subdomain "pixel.meusite.com", for example, so that it can install Pixel X, and use the advanced Pixel X External feature.

Can I remove the license from one site and activate it on another?

Yes, Pixel X's activation license is a Flexible License, meaning that if you need to change domain or site, you can remove the current site via the license manager, which you receive in your email after purchase, and activate your license on the new site.

If you're an agency, you can use this feature when you need to change clients or cancel services - after all, you don't lose your license once it's active.

Todos os Direitos Reservados • Pixel X App • Um produto de Mosko Digital

Copyright © 2024


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Aviso Legal: Nenhuma informação contida nesta página deve ser interpretada como uma afirmação de obtenção de resultados. Qualquer referência ao desempenho passado ou potencial de uma estratégia abordada no conteúdo não é, e não deve ser interpretada como uma recomendação ou como garantia de qualquer resultado específico.

Get your license TODAY with special launch conditions!

Fill in your details below to secure your license and get immediate access to the most complete tool for tracking optimization.


Get your license TODAY with special launch conditions!

Fill in your details below to secure your license and get immediate access to the most complete tool for tracking optimization.


Get your license TODAY with special launch conditions!

Fill in your details below to secure your license and get immediate access to the most complete tool for tracking optimization.



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por 1 mês por apenas R$ 49,90

Preencha seus dados abaixo e comece a usar o Pixel X App por 1 mês em seu site, e aumente os resultados das suas campanhas e diminua o seu custo por aquisição.


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